Read our principles
In partnership with experts-by-lived-experience* and clinicians, we have co-developed a set of responsible innovation principles that we use to inform the way we work.
Click on each principle to find out more.

* At ieso, we define experts-by-experience as people who have lived experience of anxiety and/or depression. Experts-by-experience encompass a wider stakeholder group than patients; they might, or might not, have a current mental health diagnosis or experience of using ieso’s services specifically. Their lived experience might be first-hand, or they might have cared for someone with a mental health condition.
A note on terminology
Choosing the right term to describe people receiving mental healthcare is a contested area. Some people criticise the use of the term ‘patient’ because they believe it implies a passive relationship with healthcare providers. This has contributed to the use of alternative terms such as ‘client’ and ‘service user’.
Our Lived Experience Partners have recommended that we use the term ‘patient’: when asked, most people receiving treatment for depression and anxiety prefer this term as it is consistent with the terminology used in physical healthcare. As such, it gives parity of esteem to mental and physical health and helps to de-stigmatise mental health conditions. Beyond any one label, those receiving mental healthcare are – first and foremost - people, who deserve agency to navigate their own care.